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  • Innovating Fitness: Founders Q&A with Samaiyah Williams, Founder of Her Flex Fitness

Innovating Fitness: Founders Q&A with Samaiyah Williams, Founder of Her Flex Fitness

Discover how Her Flex Fitness is reshaping the fitness industry by providing a safe and empowering space for women. Dive into our insightful Q&A with Samaiyah Williams, the founder of this groundbreaking startup.

Welcome to our Founders Q&A series, where we sit down with inspiring entrepreneurs and dig into their journey, gain insights on their challenges, and celebrate their accomplishments. This week’s special guest is Samaiyah Williams, founder of the revolutionary women-only fitness startup, Her Flex Fitness. Born amidst the pandemic, this game-changer provides a safe, positive, and empowering training environment for women, bridging the gap between fitness and mental health.

Q: Can you tell us about your personal background and how it led you to founding your startup?

A: I began working in the mental health field immediately after I graduated college. It didn't take long for me to understand why the turnover rate in the field was so high. I became extremely burnt out and turned to fitness as an outlet. This led me to starting my personal training journey. I moved to MD for my master's degree and used it as an opportunity to help women on a larger scale. Eventually, Her Flex Fitness was born in the midst of the pandemic.

Q: What problem does your startup solve and how did you identify it?

A: A women-only gym provides a safe space for ladies to effectively work on their fitness goals and cultivate lasting relationships with other like-minded women. It eliminates any of the stressors and stereotypes that women experience in commercial gyms. Our women do not have to worry about being cat-called or feel intimidated when trying to venture into the land of weight training. They are in a positive and challenging environment that allows them to focus on self-improvement.

Q: How did the idea of your startup first come about?

A: The idea arose when I noticed how many of my clients were apprehensive about weight training when I first became a personal trainer. Many of them believed the stereotypes that lifting weights would make them bulky or that women should prioritize stationary cardio to maintain a feminine physique. Which creates a yo-yo effect of women plateauing on their goals and returning back to old habits. The thought of lifting weights around men made many of my clients feel anxious because they were not confident in their form and thought they looked "stupid". I began thinking about how much more open they could be to the idea if they were only surrounded by other women while working out.

Q: What is your startup's mission and how does it drive your daily operations?

A: Our primary goal is to provide a safe space for women to improve both physically and mentally. We focus on holistic health and wellness. We teach women the proper way to weight train and establish healthier eating habits so that their short-term fitness goals turn into a complete lifestyle change. This lifestyle change is achieved by emphasizing the importance of community and having what we call a "Fit Tribe". Our members build connections and become family through our community events and member appreciation events.

Q: Can you share the story of how you gathered your founding team?

A: Prior to the pandemic, I owned a co-ed fitness studio with two other business partners. Due to a difference in vision, we dissolved our partnership when businesses were required to close during the pandemic. I began doing ZOOM workouts for any of our clients that were interested and eventually began training out of my garage. One of our employees supported my vision of having a women-only gym and agreed to become an instructor. One of my clients also supported the vision and volunteered to do administrative work. Her Flex Fitness was born shortly after.

Q: How did you go about securing initial funding for your startup?

A: I actually did not take out any loans or apply for any funding for my gym. I used all of the money that I had in my savings and opened my first location. It was a small warehouse space but had a feminine touch!

Q: What were some major obstacles faced during the early stages of your startup, and how did you overcome them?

A: Many of my obstacles were surrounded by a lack of respect for women in the Fitness Industry. Many male trainers tried to poach my clients due to them not believing the effectiveness of my business and training model. I was also the only female (and youngest) business owner in my shopping center. There were constant quarrels with my neighbors due to them not respecting the rate in which my business was growing and trying to sabotage it by disrespecting both me and my members. I quickly learned all of the things I needed in an ideal space and relocated less than 2 years later.

Q: Can you tell us about a time you failed and what you learned from it?

A: My first gym was a complete failure. I agreed to go into business with my two ex-partners because I was new to the DMV area and thought it'd be a great way to make a name for myself. But everything with the startup was rushed and not properly planned. We could not agree on a direction for the gym which led to us not being able to effectively retain members. However, I am grateful for the experience because it taught me to never doubt my vision or God's plan for my life. I knew that I wanted to open a gym but was not confident that I could open such a unique space on my own. I am grateful that the members from my first gym poured into me and assured me that I was limitless.

Q: How does your startup stand out from competitors in your industry?

A: Her Flex Fitness is a women-only facility with a very unique training program. It has the community feel of a boutique style gym but caters to an underserved demographic. Women of color make up 90% of our memberships and we have created an environment in which they feel they can be their most authentic selves!

Q: What has been the most rewarding part of being a founder so far?

A: Seeing the level of impact that the gym has and understanding why so many women have needed as space like this has got to be the most rewarding part of this journey. I love having a space where women like me can feel seen, heard, and prioritized.

Q: Can you describe a typical day in your life as a founder?

A: Although I am fully staffed, I still enjoy being hands on and present in the gym. I still teach quite a few classes each week. But each day for me is different. I give myself 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day to focus solely on operational work and meeting with my administrative teams. This balance allows me to be both a CEO and Technician.

Q: How do you stay motivated during challenging times?

A: I remember my why. This space has helped so many women mentally, physically, and emotionally. Her Flex Fitness' impact is so much greater than me or any obstacles that the business may face. The gym has overcome adversity and we are not done growing! My followers on social media remind me of how this unique training facility is needed nationwide and that is how I keep my eye on the prize.

Q: What is the best piece of advice you received?

A: "Never take it personal, it's just business." - My dad. There was a lot that I needed to process and understand while being a young, female entrepreneur. I had to stop letting my emotions get the best of me when I felt I was being disrespected or not taken seriously. My Grad school professor also reminded me not to let Imposter Syndrome consume me. She assured me that I worked hard to open my business and that it was time for me to operate like the boss that I am. Both of them have instilled the confidence that I needed to operate in the most professional manner possible, despite opening my business at 26.

Q: How do you manage work-life balance, especially during intense periods of work?

A: I try to take 1-2 vacations every quarter. Traveling allows me to unplug and recharge so that I can continue pouring into both my business and its members!

Q: What strategies have you found effective for managing your team remotely?

A: We still have plenty of in-person engagement since my business does not really call for remote work. However, all of our meetings are still done virtually. We also have a team group chat in which the space was created for staff to feel comfortable voicing any questions or concerns.

Q: How has your leadership style evolved as your startup has grown?

A: I have learned how to stop micromanaging now that I am fully staffed. Her Flex Fitness is my baby, so I felt the need to have a say in all decisions in its starting stages. However, a leader and the business is only as strong as it's team! I have found it to be much more effective to trust that my team will efficiently complete their duties and responsibilities when I am not breathing down their necks.

Q: What does success look like for your startup, and how do you measure it?

A: Expansion and level of impact is how we gauge success. The gym started with 100 members, and we are now nearing 1,000. People in the community look forward to our events and have learned a great deal about health and wellness from them. Our next step is to continue opening up more locations.

Q: How do you encourage a culture of innovation within your team?

A: We have quarterly meetings where team members are able to present any ideas of feedback about the flow and operation of the business. We also have an active group chat where team members can build rapport and establish a level of confidence that allows them to effectively communicate with both us and their team members.

Q: Could you share any pivots your startup had to make and the reasons behind it?

A: Safely operating during the pandemic and after has been our primary pivot. When the gym first opened, we had to operate at a limited capacity to respect the distance rules. We also had to maintain a fresh airflow by keeping our warehouse gate open. Virtual training was our primary alternative to service women at a larger capacity while prioritizing everyone's safety. As the restrictions let up, we are now able to operate in a fuller capacity and many of our virtual clients have transitioned to in-person training.

Q: How have you leveraged technology to grow and improve your startup?

A: Our Her Flex Fitness app is very user friendly and makes both joining and booking classes very easy for members!

Q: What is one thing you wish you knew before starting your business?

A: I have honestly enjoyed the journey and have learned valuable lessons from any mistakes that have been made.

Q: Can you discuss a time where customer feedback directly influenced a decision or direction for your startup?

A: We send out surveys twice a year. This allows both new and old members to anonymously and comfortably provide transparent feedback on how we can better service them. We take these surveys very seriously as it is our goal to perfect the customer experience.

Q: How do you see your startup evolving in the next 5 years?

A: The goal is for Her Flex Fitness to be nationwide! We are currently working on expansion in the DMV area and want to touch base in other large cities in the coming years.

Q: How have you adapted your startup to changes in the market, especially during crises?

A: The fitness industry ebbs and flows based on the time of year. We adapt our training focus and marketing strategies to the season.

Q: What are the key qualities you look for when hiring new team members?

A: Adaptability, outgoingness, charismatic, quick learners, and team players.

Q: Can you share an instance where your team had to go above and beyond to deliver on a project?

A: We have 8-week challenges every season. The first few weeks of our 8-week challenges are usually the hardest for coaches. We are all engaging with an influx of women that are new to weight lifting and are trying to meet them where they are on their fitness journey. It requires a lot of patience and preparation.

Q: How do you promote personal growth and learning among your employees?

A: We send out coach feedback surveys to members of the gym twice a year! Afterwards, I have one-on-ones with the coaches to set goals for them and gain insight on ways that I can aid in their personal growth. I also allow coaches to create their own programming for the month and go in to made edits/provide feedback before anything is confirmed/rolled out.

Q: Can you tell us about a significant partnership or collaboration that has greatly benefited your startup?

A: Working with popular DMV Radio hosts (Autumn Joi) and news segments have been the most impactful for spreading awareness about Her Flex Fitness.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering starting their own business?

A: It doesn't matter if your industry is saturated as long as your idea is innovative. Figure out a way to bring something new to the table and how it can impact your target audience!

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